date: 2018.12.23
owning the first domestic patent of typhoon-resistance wind turbine, ming yang
smart energy anaylized the external loads and simulated the wind turbine states
subjected to typhoon, improved the design of mechanical elements for
centralized loads and reduced the rotor and tower loads during typhoon
exciting, to guarantee the safty and significantly improve the power capture
under typhoon operation. the super typhoon mangkhut launched on sept. 7, 2018.
after sweeping the philippines on sept. 15, 2018, mangkhut landed at haiyan
town, taishan city, guangdong province, china at 17:00 on sept. 16, 2017, with
its maximum wind scale of 14. we quickly organized a typhoon-resistance team
with the systematically teamwork style to safeguard the total 31 projects
including 819 wind turbines in the south china region with the final good news
that they were all standstilled with safe and sound.