smart o&m

datasoul platform offers a robust, scalable service architecture that ensures flexibility and reliability.
it powers smart o&m 2.0, achieving over 3000 uninterrupted hours and automated surveillance streamlining wind farm operations with digital and intelligent visualization.
manufacturing bases
spare parts warehouses
regional o&m centers

datasoul platform

the datasoul platform leverages digitalization, ai, and dynamic resource management to streamline smart o&m operations across multiple levels.

key features

  • integrated monitoring system
  • performance assessment system
  • intelligent o&m collaboration
  • situational decision support
integrated monitoring system
with a proprietary collection and routing system, it enables comprehensive monitoring of wind turbines, transformers, wind masts, health bracelets, and network devices. the energy management module automates grid command tracking for total wind farm output regulation.
performance assessment system
mingyang's multi-indicator efficiency system, powered by wind energy capture, mechanical energy transfer, and electrical energy conversion systems, enables precise turbine performance evaluation, inefficiency detection, and root cause identification, synergizing with energy management for optimized power output.
intelligent o&m collaboration
the adaptive optimization algorithm creates a multi-objective decision-making model integrating meteorological data, work order tasks, spare parts inventory, and turbine status. it determines the optimal o&m window, facilitating the rational deployment of vehicles, ships, personnel, and resources. the spare parts inventory module includes forecasting and warning functions, ensuring optimal spare parts inventory management.
situational decision support
mingyang leverages wind turbine data and ai to develop a comprehensive decision-making system, employing natural language recognition and knowledge mapping. this system serves as a cognitive intelligent expert, accurately diagnosing faults, managing equipment efficiently, and supporting smart o&m operations.